Top Road Bicycle Technologies of the Past Twenty Years – eBikes

Continuing our exploration of the list of road bicycle technologies that have been the biggest innovations since our inception, today we talk about e-bikes.

Amongst cyclists, a discussion about e-bikes was more likely in 1899 than 1999.   Seriously.    However, things can change quickly.   In 2023, e-bikes are by far the greatest growth sector of the bicycle industry and the fastest growing in the transportation sector.

However, the bike industry resisted e-bikes for a long time and some riders are still not keen on the technology.  This being said, regardless of your cycling background, e-bikes are technology that can enhance everyone’s riding experience.

While we continue to strongly believe that test rides in general are a poor way to select a bike, a test ride is a great way to gain insight into an entirely new experience – like riding an ebike.  So, when one of our brands first started offering an e-bike (Felt LEBOWSKe, 2015), we brought one in immediately and started encouraging people to take them for a quick spin.

To this day, I know of nothing that creates a bigger smile on riders of all backgrounds and abilities as that first e-bike did.  Regardless of whether the rider was a new rider or a Cat 1 racer, the result was almost always the same – a smile and affirmation that it was a lot of fun.   I remember one particularly experienced and accomplished rider summing it up when he returned from a quick test spin with a big smile on his face saying, “That is the most fun I’ve had on a bike in years.”

Since 2015, we’ve seen more people give e-bikes a chance.  We’ve also been able to see just how powerful e-bikes can be for cycling in general.   While we often see people transition to an e-bike, we’ve also started to see the opposite happen as newer riders who started on an e-bike gain confidence and become ready to try a non-assisted bike.  Electric assist bikes have the potential to be a great bridge; allowing riders of all different experience levels to ride together.  Few of us will ever have the power of an elite rider, but with an e-bike many can keep up with an elite rider.

Discussing how e-bikes have changed bikes, bike shops and riding in general would consume many pages on its own.  All we know at Fit Werx is that we still believe in the power of the bicycle – manual or electric assist.   We want to see more people riding.  We want to see those who already ride continue to do so as long as possible and achieve their goals.  We want to see people enjoying the social and physical aspects of riding.   Electric assist bikes help with all of this.

Contact us to talk more about finding an e-bike that fits your body and use well.

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