Below are some frequent concerns/questions we hear from riders and triathletes about bike fitting as well as replies/answers:

“I’m not a good enough rider to need a bike fitting.”

Anyone who wants to ride their bike better or ride their bike more is a “good enough rider” to benefit from a Fit Werx bike fitting. The majority of riders we work with do not race and ride for fun and recreation. In fact, the number one way to become a better rider for most riders is to start with a Fit Werx fitting so that your bike is set-up to help your body work well and so that you understand the technique and posture that helps you ride better and more comfortably.

“I don’t ride enough to justify a fitting.   Shouldn’t I wait until I am in better cycling shape?”

Riding a $1000+ bike without being well set-up on it is like buying a car without a heater or air conditioning because you don’t drive much. In fact, some of the people who benefit from a Fit Werx fitting the most come in thinking they don’t ride enough for the fitting to be worthwhile (check out some of their testimonials). Nothing helps you want to ride your bike more, or enjoy the limited time you can ride as much, than being properly positioned on your bike and understanding the riding technique and posture that helps you ride better and with greater comfort.

“I just need a basic fitting. Can’t someone just look at me on my bike and help with my problem?””

A Fit Werx fitting is likely more comprehensive and less complicated than you think. We don’t offer a host of ala carte fitting levels because there are too many variables that are important to a proper bike fit to be skipping crucial and universal steps. If you had surgery and were offered two different levels of repair would you select the surgery that was cheapest and took the least time with a 40% chance of success or the one that covered the important bases and had a 90%+ chance of success?

We guarantee that you will not find a Fit Werx fitting “too much” for you or not worth the time and money you invest.  We won’t charge you if you don’t.

“Isn’t a Fit Werx fitting expensive?”

What is really expensive is buying new bikes and products over and over in a quest for the right fit and ride.   If you could hire a tutor for your child for a couple hours and have their grades go up a full level, or if you could go to the dentist for a special cleaning for a few hundred dollars and not have to go back for 5-10 years, would you do it? There are few activities in life where you can hire a qualified professional for just a few hours and get the improvement many of our clients see.   A full Fit Werx bicycle fitting costs less than an hour with many attorneys and is usually far more fun…

A Fit Werx fitting offers great value for the money. We guarantee that you’ll find it worth your time and money.  We won’t charge you if you don’t.

“I’m already comfortable on my bike, why would I want a fitting?”

A Fit Werx fitting is all about empowering you to become a better rider. Proper bike fit goes well beyond comfort and some riders don’t know just how comfortable they can be on their bike. First year rider or Olympian, if you want your body to work better on your bike, a Fit Werx bike fitting will benefit you.

“Aren’t fittings only for people who buy expensive bikes?”

Riding is a human experience and the mechanics are the same (and thus the benefits of a Fit Werx bike fit are the same) regardless of what level bike you ride. A well fit bike is the best way to maximize your comfort, efficiency, performance and enjoyment of your bike no matter what the price of the bike. Not being properly fit on your bike is like never changing the oil in your car because it was not an expensive car. Bike fitting is a fundamental building block to the best riding experience possible. A well fit $1000 bike will provide a better and more enjoyable riding experience than an ill fitting $15K bike.

“Do you work with people facing severe physical limitations riding their bicycle?”

Yes. Fit Werx is all about solutions. For example, we have worked to fit and then order custom hinging cranks that have allowed people with fused ankles or significant range of motion limitations in their hips and knees still be able to ride. Fused vertebrae and replacement joints are common for us…   Let us know what you are facing and we’d be happy to let you know how we can potentially help you enjoy riding again.

“I was fit when I bought my bike at XYZ shop. How is the Fit Werx fit process different/better than what I’ll get at my local bike shop or with another bike fitter?”

There are very, very few bike shops that offer a fitting that is like a Fit Werx fitting. From the experience of our bike fitters, to our tools and process, Fit Werx specializes in bike fitting and bike set-up – it is what we do. Even if we make no changes in your position at all from your previous fitting (which happens a couple times a year), we guarantee that you will learn technique and postural hints that will enhance your cycling or triathlon performance and that you will find are worth the investment.

“I’ve had two fittings at bike shops already and neither of them helped. I was recommended to see you, but I’m hesitant to come in for a Fit Werx fitting based upon my past experience with other fittings.”

Fit Werx was founded in a town of under 2000 people in rural Vermont; many miles away from any population center. How is this relevant?   If a Fit Werx fitting was like what other fit providers and shops are offering, we would have gone out of business years ago. Like any profession, there are a wide range of providers with different skills and approaches – some are better than others. Our fit process and the expertise of the bike fitters Fit Werx offers are not readily available in most places.

We’ll back-up what we say with a simple guarantee. If you go through a Fit Werx fitting and do not feel it was worth the time and money, we simply will not charge you.

“I wish you were closer. I have to rely on my local shop for a fitting as the distance to a Fit Werx location is too far.”

We will make sure that if you travel to see us, we’ll make the trip worth your time. Considering the amount of time people spend driving to work, going to races and events, or just riding their bikes in a given year, making a few hour trip to a Fit Werx can be one of the best investments in yourself and your riding one can make. Often the time and money we can save you in a single visit more than pays for itself in short order. There are very few local shops or fitters that offer comparable services, expertise or products to what Fit Werx offers all under one roof. This is why Fit Werx has served people from around North America and even from as far away as Macau and Australia.