Below are some frequent concerns/questions we hear from riders and triathletes about bike purchasing as well as replies/answers:

“Do I need to be fit by Fit Werx to buy a bike from Fit Werx?”

No. While we are confident that you would find a Fit Werx fitting helpful, even if you have been fit before, it is not required. We are happy to use fit data from elsewhere, or from your current bike, if you would prefer.

“My friends tell me that I should test ride bikes to determine what I want.”

While we offer test rides whenever possible to riders who want them, test rides are not usually how we recommend selecting the best new bike.  While trying out features (Shimano vs. SRAM vs. Campagnolo components, for example) can be helpful, buying a bicycle is not like buying a car. A bicycle has at least 26 different parts, almost all of which can be altered and tailored to meet the rider’s needs relatively easily. Test riding bikes thus usually turns into an endeavor to find the bike that by chance happens to be set-up best for you on a dealer’s floor. In fact, test rides are often so misleading that an entire cottage industry has been built around addressing the compromised results – Existing Bike Fitting.

So why does the bike industry push test rides so hard? Because most bike shops don’t have enough skilled staff to do it any other way, so they resort to the lowest common denominator. Beginner or veteran rider, the most accurate way to buy the right bike the first time is to approach it the way you would if you were building or renovating a house. If you work with someone trained to ask the right questions and listen to your needs, they can use their experience and knowledge to focus the options on only those bikes and equipment that truly will fit and match your use and needs best.   The result is much better than something just based on “the averages” or guessing. We guarantee it.

“Aren’t fittings only for people who buy expensive bikes?”

Riding is a human experience and the mechanics and benefits of a Fit Werx fitting are thus the same regardless of the level bike you ride. A well fit bike is the best way to maximize your comfort, efficiency, performance and enjoyment of your bike no matter what the price of the bike. Not being properly fit on your bike is like never changing the oil in your car because it was not an expensive car. Bike fitting is a fundamental building block to the best riding experience possible.

“If I buy a bike at Fit Werx, what do I tell my local bike shop?”

Fit Werx does not stock the types of bikes or accessories that are the “bread and butter” for most bike shops. We are specialists dedicated to working with riders and triathletes one person at a time and making sure that the bikes and products we carry are set-up as well as possible. Our career based fitters and technicians are trained in the type of products we carry and recommend. A new bike can be a significant investment and new components are technically demanding. A specialty bike should be set to your body and be prepared as well as possible and this deserves a specialty company.  From Rider First Bike Fit and Rider Matched Bike Sales to our Pro Bike Build and skilled staff, Fit Werx takes a different approach than most general bike shops.

“I’m looking for a mountain bike and you specialize in road and triathlon bikes.”

In late 2014 Fit Werx changed our slogan from “Road & Triathlon Cycling Specialists” to “Rider First Bike Fitting. Rider Matched Bike Sales.” We did this to help show the full range of riders we serve and cycling products we offer. In addition to road and triathlon/TT bikes, Fit Werx carries mountain bikes from quality brands as well as Fat bikes, cyclocross bikes, gravel bikes and ebikes. If it rolls on two wheels, we likely carry it and work with it regularly. Be sure to check out the pictures in our Facebook page and on Flickr’ to see just a small selection of the great bikes we sell.

“I’d like to buy a bike from you, but I don’t live close.   What if I need service?”

We work on bikes purchased from other shops each and every day and any dealer that is experienced with the products we sell and service can potentially service your bike. Fit Werx technicians take a “zero defects” approach when building your bike to help make sure your Fit Werx bike needs as little service after the fact as possible.

“Do you have entry level bike options?”

Fit Werx carries bikes that work as well as possible for riders and triathletes regardless of budget.   Fit Werx sells bikes starting around $1000 and would be happy to help you find the best options for your budget and use.

“Why does Fit Werx carry the bike brands that you do?”

Very good question. Whether it be mass produced bikes from a brand like Felt, Trek, Cervelo and Parlee or a custom bike from Moots, K.Bedford Customs, Waterford, Parlee, Gunnar (or others), Fit Werx looks to carry brands that specialize and focus on the types of riders and triathletes we serve. These brands must offer the best value possible at each price point they provide. For more detailed information on why we carry many of the bike brands that we do and where their value lie please visit the bike brands and reviews pages.

“What is the smallest and tallest riders you have fit and sold bikes?”

4’ 8” through 7’1” so far.   Fit Werx is all about solutions and we have the experience and expertise to help you if you do not fall into the middle of the bell curve.

“I know what I want for a bike and I am afraid you are going to tell me that it doesn’t fit well.”

Until we work with you, we don’t know. We have few pre-conceived notions about what works best for people and you will see the science and individualized approach to your needs behind our fitting process. Whether you want much lower gearing (or electric assist…) than average or you want to try two different wheel sizes on your next TT/Tri bike, we offer you an open-minded approach and feedback based in experience and your individual situation.

Yes, we’ll tell if we see real considerations with a bike or product you are considering for your individual needs. However, we’ll just as readily tell you when a bike or product you are interested should work really well for you. Fit Werx is all about helping you find the set-up and cycling equipment that helps you achieve your goals best; equipment that you will really appreciate now and down the road.

“Why would I want to work with Fit Werx on a custom bike when some builders offer to work directly with me?”

In addition to our wide range of production bikes from brands like Felt, Parlee and Cervelo, Fit Werx is one of the largest and most experienced custom bike sellers in the country.   We offer some of the very best custom bike brands available starting around $3K with bikes from Gunnar and carrying through any rider’s top of the line dream bike. K.Bedford Customs, Moots, Parlee, Guru and Independent Fabrications are just a few of the top builders we actively represent that offer a wide range of product. This being said, there are custom bike builders who work consumer direct as well as through dealers. Fit Werx adds significant value to riders working with these builders in the following ways:

  • There are very few builders with our fit experience and likely none with our approach.
  • Without a Fit Werx fit or bike design, the most important parts of your custom bike – the fit and the associated frame geometry – could come out completely different if you only work with a bike builder (not a fit and design specialist).
  • Having the same person who fit you design your bicycle is very beneficial and brings the frame design process as close to you as possible.   Fit Werx has some of the most experienced bike designers in the industry – our lead designer has designed thousands of custom bikes.   Working with Fit Werx on a custom bike means you get the experience and expertise of two qualified professionals (your fitter/designer and the custom builder) helping make sure your new bike is as compromise free as possible.
  • The Fit Werx Pro Build to your fit numbers is included at no extra charge. This guarantees that your new bike is set-up to your fit coordinates and built properly.
  • After the sale support. We will be there to help with any service or warranty issues on the frame or components down the road. Part of our job as authorized dealers of all the products we represent is to advocate for our clients and to make sure that folks who work with us are taken care of fairly if something goes wrong. Builders and component makers alike are motivated to make sure Fit Werx clients are taken care of fairly as we give many of them significant business.