
Fit Werx Group Rides on Zwift

Fit Werx shop rides on Zwift will commence during the week of March 4, 2019.  Initially, our ride leader will be Joe LoPorto, lead fitter and co-owner of our New Jersey location.  Other ride leaders will likely be added soon.  To participate, go to Zwift in either the Mac/Windows program or the Zwift companion app on IOS or Android and add ”Joe LoPorto – Fit Werx” under “Find Zwifters”.  Another option is to email Joe at joe@fitwerx.com with “Zwift Ride” in the subject line.

In the near term, we are going to conduct rides as Meet Ups.  We’ll try to start by scheduling week night rides and possibly some morning rides depending on everyone’s availability.  If participation grows, we’ll roll out Fit Werx Event Rides on Zwift.  Initially, the goal of these early rides will be to create a fun way to train in a group setting in Zwift.  These first rides will be moderate pace rides (B/C level) in the 1.5 to 2.5 watts/kg range in the hour to an hour and half range.

The rides will include a warm up, followed by a four to five-minute build, a short recovery and then a series of lower to mid intensity tempo intervals in the 6 to 10 minute range.  For more advanced riders, this might be more of a recovery ride.  For riders who are not using a structured training plan or who are more novice, the focus will be on smooth progressions and building strength around manageable intensity levels.   Steady efforts on the trainer are a great opportunity to focus on technique and posture, round smooth pedaling and proper muscular engagement, things that we routinely reinforce in the Fit Werx’s fitting process.  And this general format works reasonably well in a group.

If you don’t use Zwift now or are wondering about the different types of trainers, read this post to learn more about why you may want to start and what is involved.

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