Causes and Solutions to Numb Hands While Riding a Bicycle

Causes and Solutions to Numb Hands While Riding a Bicycle

Do your hands go numb when riding a bike?  If so, you are not alone. While some instances of hand numbness on a bicycle have easy solutions, like redistributing weight from the hands to the saddle, other cases are not so simple.  From exploring how bike fit can help alleviate numb hands to why numb…

Join Hunter Allen at Fit Werx in Peabody, MA to Learn How to Train and Race with Power
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Join Hunter Allen at Fit Werx in Peabody, MA to Learn How to Train and Race with Power

Cycling coach Hunter Allen will be speaking at Fit Werx² in Peabody, MA on Tuesday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m.!    Hunter will be discussing the new, 3rd-edition of the path-breaking Training and Racing with a Power Meter (TRWPM), which will be released this month. Autographed books will be available for purchase! Come learn from the guy that pioneered the power training principles and…

When Mountain Bike Geometry Stops Paying Attention to Pedaling Mechanics

When Mountain Bike Geometry Stops Paying Attention to Pedaling Mechanics

The mountain bike industry has made huge strides in technology in recent years.  From wider tires and suspension improvements to more balanced and stable frame designs, a properly set-up modern mountain bike is akin to what shaped skis offered skiers when they first came out. The technology has made it notably easier to ride more…

How to Use a Power Meter for Optimal Ironman Pacing
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How to Use a Power Meter for Optimal Ironman Pacing

Wouldn’t it be nice if your coach could ride your Ironman with you and guide your pace all day? Well, in effect, they can. Perfect Ironman pacing is available with the latest power meters and software. Take your coach with you on race day through power meter pacing! Once you have us install a new…

Chronic Bike Saddle Discomfort, Part 3 – Too Much Pressure on the Sit Bones.

Chronic Bike Saddle Discomfort, Part 3 – Too Much Pressure on the Sit Bones.

There are so many potential reasons for chronic bike saddle discomfort that it would be overwhelming and confusing to try to cover them in a single article. For this reason, we are exploring potential riding technique and postural items (by far the biggest contributors to chronic saddle issues) one at a time so that you…

How Muscle Imbalances Lead to Chronic Back, Saddle and Other Pain on a Bike

How Muscle Imbalances Lead to Chronic Back, Saddle and Other Pain on a Bike

This article potentially holds life changing (at least ride changing) information for many riders. Seriously. Most chronic discomfort on a bike has a true solution and proper bike fit is only part of that solution. Read on to learn the “secret” of Bike Fit 2.0 and how to resolve chronic and on-going pain and comfort…

Dean’s Podcast Interview on Aerodynamics on

Dean’s Podcast Interview on Aerodynamics on

Damian Ruse of recently interviewed Dean on how he has gained over 3 mph of speed over the past ten years without producing any more power. Dean has one of the most aerodynamic positions and equipment set-ups in the world for a rider of his size. This is a great opportunity to learn from…

Looking to Develop Proper Riding Posture on the Bike?

Looking to Develop Proper Riding Posture on the Bike?

Our bike fittings are technique intense and there is too much riding posture and technique information to absorb all at once. Your take-home materials from your fitting include postural video and comments to help you reflect and practice later. These materials just scratch the surface of an extensive topic though. Many back, knee, neck, shoulder…

Chronic Bike Seat Discomfort – Beyond Bike Fit.  Beyond Riding Technique.

Chronic Bike Seat Discomfort – Beyond Bike Fit.  Beyond Riding Technique.

I have written about fit and comfort based challenges riders experience with their bicycle seats more than a couple times. I keep writing these articles as chronic bike seat discomfort is a very common problem and some riders have chronic issues regardless of what is done with saddle selection, bicycle fit or technique recommendations. I find…