Periodic Fit Assessment

Most people know that if they have a question or need help with a fit we just did with them, we’re happy to help (often at no charge). However, a recent survey response made it clear that we need to do a better job of making past fit clients aware of longer-term fit services Fit Werx offers. With that in mind, meet the Periodic Fit Assessment…

As we have said many times, “Fit and positioning is as static or as dynamic as you are. If things change for you, your position may need to change with it.” Furthermore, optimizing technique and posture on the bike takes time and practice and periodic coaching and motion capture analysis is a great way to keep making progress on this very important aspect of riding. With this all in mind, who should consider a Periodic Fit Assessment?

  • The rider who has had changes in their riding (frequency, distance, experience…) since their fitting and who could benefit from some changes to further improve comfort and performance based upon these changes.
  • The rider who has suffered an injury and could benefit from some accommodations to help make recovery easier and/or make the new reality of a long-term situation work better on the bike.
  • The rider who wants to keep incrementally improving their posture and technique on the bike. With some riders, the majority of their Periodic Fit Assessment is spent on posture and technique assessments and improvement. No matter your experience level, reminders, refreshers and digging deeper into your posture and technique is almost always helpful.
  • The rider who wants to continue to dig deeper to improve their awareness, knowledge, performance and comfort. We endeavor to make every fit at Fit Werx as comprehensive as possible. This being said, especially if there are complicated items like leg length accommodations, there is no way to dig to the very bottom of every single fit related item in a single fit session. Even if we could, there would be no way for the rider to retain all the information (as it is, retaining even 30% of what we discuss means you retained more than the average human!). In other words, whether it is working to continue to even out saddle pressure or improve that nagging SI joint issue, a Periodic Fit Assessment can often help.

The Periodic Fit Assessment is available for any rider fit in the last five years and that we are working on the same riding position as their original fit (i.e. – road fit, tri fit…). If you need a new position built for a different type of riding (you had a road fit initially, but you want to get a tri bike now) and your original fit was recent, we will build a second position with you on the size cycle (at half price of our regular fit price).

Contact us with questions or to schedule a Periodic Fit Assessment.



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