Power Meter Seminar Success!!!

Power Meter Seminar Success!!!

If you weren’t able to attend last night’s “Watts Up? The Skinny on training with a Power Meter”, you missed a terrific time.  Over 40 people attended the catered event and talked cycling and triathlon.  What’s better than that?

Well, throw in an informative seminar on how to improve your performance given by Will and Jason from Tri-Hard  Endurance Sports Coaching and there you have it.  Just awesome!

Also, BeginnerTriathlete.com was here for the seminar filming so keep an eye on their site and see the presentation.

For those of you who could not make it, but still would like the information Jason and Will presented they have provided a link where you can download the PDF of the presentation.

PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes:  http://www.tri-hard.com/SCC%20Materials/Watts%20Up.pdf

We want to thank everyone who attended and look forward to seeing you at our next event.

About Ian

From first time riders to Olympians, Ian has helped thousands of athletes achieve their cycling and triathlon goals. Ian develops much of the Fit Werx fitting and analysis protocols and is responsible for technology training and development. He is regarded as one of the industry leaders in bicycle fitting, cycling biomechanics and bicycle geometry and design. He is dedicated to making sure the Fit Werx differences are delivered daily and provides Fit Werx with corporate direction and is responsible for uniting our staff and initiatives.

Find out more about Ian Here


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