Speed in Comfort

by Amanda Russell, Endurance Coaching What’s the best way to knock time off your swim? Get comfy! It doesn’t matter what your ability level is. If you’re anxious about the swim, finding comfort will most likely bring your biggest gain. Imagine how much time and energy you could save if you felt comfortable in the…

Run Strong Off the Bike-Train Like a Triathlete

by Amanda Russell, Endurance Coaching The hardest part of triathlon is the run.  You’re tired, your legs hurt, the temperature has risen and you start to fade. We’ve most all been there.  You get slower and slower and slower, maybe even walk, sometimes cramp.   While several factors can play into fatigue at this point in…

Hey! Its Spring…..Why Is My Swimming Slowing Down?

By Coach Suzan Ballmer, M.Ed So, you have spent the winter really focusing on your swim technique, efficiency, power & speed. You have seen a steady improvement and are having a lot of fun keeping pace with the faster swimmers at masters. Then the weather changed and you went for some bike rides outside focused…

Tri Rallys/Camps from Endurance Nation @ IMLP and IMWI.

Endurance Nation is putting on two FREE tri camp/rallys for 2010, one at IM Wisconsin and the other at our more local IM Lake Placid.   The Lake Placid event is June 10-13.  For more information about these events, visit http://www.endurancenation.us/en_camps/. A Tri-Rally is a FREE training weekend put together by triathletes like you. Everyone from…