
Scheduling Time for Training/Riding

For most cyclists and triathletes, the biggest challenge doesn’t stem from the demands of the sport itself, but rather, finding the time to train. Balancing work, family and personal time along with a love of cycling/tri can be difficult, especially around the holidays.  Consider utilizing these few simple strategies to fit more time in on the bike:

1.) Ride your bike to work.

Making your ordinary commute into a training session requires only a little advance planning for most of us, and can add in a layer of fitness into your work day that leaves you more alert and ready for anything your job can throw at you. Furthermore, you’ll have a built-in time to unwind and de-stress with a ride at the end of the day, making you more emotionally available for your family when you do arrive home. Pack a small kit bag to take with you, with a change of clothes
or anything else you’ll need at work, and plan ahead for your cycling commutes by bringing extra shoes, and any bulky clothing items a day or two beforehand to the office. 

2.) Get up an hour earlier each day-or consider a nighttime ride in a well lit area. 

While it’s a little daunting to change your sleep schedule, it can be done, and may be exactly the adjustment you need to add in regular riding time to your work week. A morning ride may test your will when the alarm goes off – who doesn’t consider staying in a nice warm bed for an hour longer on a cold dark morning – but remember how good you will feel getting out there and getting it done. Night rides can also be exhilarating, but remember to schedule your route only through well lit areas and to use proper lighting and safety gear.  Drivers are even more dangerous in the dark, and combined with limited visibility, safety must take paramount importance wherever you choose to cycle.

3.) Consider a cycling vacation.

When it comes time to plan your next family vacation, why not schedule a cycling vacation here or abroad? Many companies specialize in programs aimed at people of all ages and abilities, with support vehicles and extra personnel trained to help those who might prefer to call it a day sooner than you would. What better compromise for cycling and non cycling spouses than to send everyone on a postcard-perfect trip to Italy or the Canadian Rockies, where those who
want to ride can do so, and other family members can enjoy shopping, relaxing or even just eating while you attend to your training jones? “Something for everyone” is the mantra to go by when planning a cycling adventure-just pick your locale and let the tour company do the rest!

Some tour companies, many local/regionally owned, with a wide range of trips include:

Ride NoHo


Ciclismo Classico


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