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Make an Appointment to See What Smart Trainers and Indoor Bikes are About

Ride Throughout the World from Home

With the time change and colder temperatures, trainer time is here for many of us.   While the CompuTrainer arguably started the smart trainer revolution decades ago, the current crop of options is like comparing a video game on the original Atari to a X Box Series X.   The courses and the realism has come leaps and bounds, as has the simulation capabilities of the trainers themselves.  You can quickly load a ride in Europe or Asia complete with HD video and be riding along a scenic coastline or up and epic mountain path in no time.    Likewise, if competing or group rides is your cup of tea, you can quickly join a group ride or sign up for a race most anytime – all without leaving home.

Realism Reinvented

In addition to the vast leaps in video and simulation technology, the current crop of smart trainers include options like the Wahoo Climb that can simulate grade (front of the bike goes up or down if you are climbing or descending) and simulate road surfaces (TACX Neo).  All of this adds up to an experience that is far more entertaining, interactive and effective than pedaling while watching old Seinfeld episodes.  In this case, entertainment and engagement quite often equals motivation and motivation equals achieving goals.

Come Try a Smart Trainer or Indoor Smart Bike

Knowing that many people have not experienced a smart trainer before, we invite you to reach out to learn more and/or schedule a time to come in and take one for a test spin.  We have indoor smart bikes that are quick to set to your riding position and get you started.   Our staff is familiar with a host of options and is ready to show you just how much trainer technology has advanced in recent years.  Likewise, starting around $500, we have stocked up on some of the most common units and are ready to help set one up for you.

It could be a long winter, so don’t hesitate.  Contact us to order or to find a time to come in and try a smart indoor trainer or bike.

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