
Cyclologic – Beyond Bike Fit.

I recently took a trip to Arizona to catch up with Paraic McGlynn and see what he has been working on with his new company Cyclologic.   Paraic has been at the forefront of bicycle fit and the associated technology for years and I started working with him back when he was at Serotta and the director of SICI – Serotta’s fitting program.  Paraic worked for Intel for years and has worked for a number of progressive companies in the cycling industry on fit related items.  He is one of the best in the business when it comes to seeing the potential of technology and understanding how to make it actually happen from a “nuts and bolts” perspective.

A couple years ago, I remember talking to Paraic about all that was possible in fitting and where the technology was at and where it could go.  Well, Paraic committed to the “where it could go” part when he started Cyclologic last summer.   Cyclologic, is committed to developing and creating next generation cycling analysis tools; tools that can provide properly educated and skilled technicians with information at a level that can help them analyze details and create solutions at a level that simply was not possible before.

I had four main analysis technologies I wanted to focus on during my trip to AZ:

  1. Next generation 3D motion capture technology.
  2. Next generation size cycles.
  3. Laser based documentation tools and bike “search” software.
  4. Pressure sensing technology.

Size cycles and pressure sensing technology is here now while Cyclologic continues to develop and polish the other technologies.   The future is very encouraging when it comes to just what we’ll be able to see and how reliably we’ll be able to help cyclists with some of the most challenging cycling fit related items – chronic saddle and muscle asymmetry issues, for example.

Stay tuned for more soon…


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