Burris Logistics – Fit Werx Team Update


By Mike Burris, Burris Logistics – Fit Werx Team Director

We have had one long, snowy winter. Skiing has been phenomenal. Bike riding…not so much. Everyone puts in the time on the rollers or trainer through the winter, but it is not the same. Bikes are not intended to stay in one place. They are built to move. Thankfully we’ve had a few days where the temperatures allowed us out of the basement and onto the road.

We took the first official team ride last Sunday. I was excited to see my teammates and finally “get to it!” About 10 of us put in a solid 50 miles at a reasonable pace. When races like the Tour of the Battenkill loom on the near horizon, it is impossible for anyone to keep the pace down even though none of us have logged many miles yet. All things considered, we did a good job keeping it civilized – that is until the end when egos started to flare.

It was great to be back on the bike, breathing fresh air, and mixing it up with the boys. My fitness is certainly not where it was this time last year, but it has been a much different year. It is a long season. I suspect by mid-May my form will be there, provided Ole Man Winter decides to take his vacation.

Stay tuned for regular updates from the Burris Logistics – Fit Werx cycling team as the racing season begins. More information can be found at www.impulsecyclesport.com



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