Search Results for: aero testing dean

Relentless Pursuit of Performance – Dean’s Latest A2 Wind Tunnel Trip
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Relentless Pursuit of Performance – Dean’s Latest A2 Wind Tunnel Trip

I promised a report of my most recent trip to the A2 wind tunnel back in 2021.   While it took me a while to get to the write-up, I fortunately still have all the data and notes.  Even better, now that time has passed, I can draw better conclusions about this trip than I could…

Aero Position Progression – The Continued Exploration of the Aero Riding Position of Master’s National Champion Dean Phillips

Aero Position Progression – The Continued Exploration of the Aero Riding Position of Master’s National Champion Dean Phillips

Background and Old Position: Up until 2017, I spent many years testing and fine tuning my aero position.  I was pursuing record; records where set-up details matter a lot.  I documented a lot of this in prior posts.  However, I stopped riding the position I had put so much time into refining a few years…

Dean’s Podcast Interview on Aerodynamics on

Dean’s Podcast Interview on Aerodynamics on

Damian Ruse of recently interviewed Dean on how he has gained over 3 mph of speed over the past ten years without producing any more power. Dean has one of the most aerodynamic positions and equipment set-ups in the world for a rider of his size. This is a great opportunity to learn from…

Dean’s World Record Holding Cervelo T4 Track Bike Setup

Dean’s World Record Holding Cervelo T4 Track Bike Setup

As the opportunity to race the 3K Pursuit on what’s recognized as possibly the fastest track in the world approached, I made sure to bring the fastest setup I could. I wanted to make sure that the only thing between myself and my fastest time was, well, myself! Frame The most noticeable change from my…

Dean Phillips’s 3Km Masters World Record Report – Mexico 7/17!

Dean Phillips’s 3Km Masters World Record Report – Mexico 7/17!

My “Relentless Pursuit of Cycling Aerodynamics” articles chronicle my journey in recent years to beat the Masters World Record for the 3km pursuit event. I have come close to the record before; I missed by 0.7 seconds last fall at Masters Track Worlds. When I was recently invited to a special “record attempt” event at…

Felt TA FRD Aero Test Session with Velo News
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Felt TA FRD Aero Test Session with Velo News

It is April 12, 2017 and I’m about to aero test the latest Felt TA FRD, reportedly the fastest track frame in the world. I’ll be riding dozens of 30mph laps around the Velo Sports indoor velodrome in Carson, California.  I was personally invited by Felt, as the only retailer representative, to test the bike…

Velodrome Aero Testing an Ironman Triathlon Setup

Velodrome Aero Testing an Ironman Triathlon Setup

I recently posted my test results from my trip with Marty to use the cutting edge Alphamantis Track Aero System (TAS) at the Mattamy National Cycling Center in Milton, Ontario. The TAS provides real-time aerodynamic data to the tester while you’re riding, which facilitates faster on-the-spot results and decisions compared to my normal field testing routine….

Relentless Pursuit of Cycling Aerodynamics – Part 3. Track Bike Aero Test.

Relentless Pursuit of Cycling Aerodynamics – Part 3. Track Bike Aero Test.

I recently had the opportunity to use the cutting edge Alphamantis Track Aero System (TAS) at the Mattamy National Cycling Center in Milton, Ontario. The TAS provides real-time aerodynamic data to the tester while riding, which facilitates faster on-the-spot results and decisions compared to my normal field testing routine. With anticipation and excitement, Marty and…