Thank You for Your Testimonials and Support!

I updated our testimonials page for the first time in over a year today.   I took a little time and read back through a few years worth of old correspondence as I was updating the page.   While I was reading through all the great notes we have received, it made me think of a few things and I just wanted to share some of those thoughts:

  • We have some great athletes that we work with.   I don’t necessarily mean people who are phenomenally gifted riders or triathletes (thought there are plenty who are), I mean riders who are good people – people who care and are supportive.   Thanks for working with us and being who you are.
  • I have over sixty pages of Word document testimonials we have received through the years and nine pages from the past year or so alone – wow!   You don’t realize how many people you hear from when you get them one at a time, but when you look at them over some time it really adds up.  It was a lot of fun going through the notes and remembering people and their bikes.
  • Possibly the most rewarding part of our jobs is helping people have a better time riding their bikes and doing triathlons.  There is little reward that is more meaningful than knowing that you have helped someone experience something in a way that has improved their lives.   Thank you to each and every person who took the time over the years to let us know when we helped in this regard – your notes are something we save because they are meaningful.   The Testimonials page makes me (and I think I can speak for our whole staff) proud of what we do and glad to come into work each day.
  • We’ve delivered a lot of really great and fun bikes through the years.   Whether you get a stock bike or a custom through Fit Werx, we always want each bike to feel like it is truly unique and  “yours” and it was really nice to see people who appreciated that.  From the start of the bike buying process with your fitter, to the attention to detail our technicians work to apply to every bike they build, to the delivery, our entire staff feels lucky to be a part of creating dreams.   We look forward to being a part of many more…   Be sure to email pictures of you and your bike or, even better, post to our Facebook page!
  • A lot has changed since Fit Werx first opened our doors.   We were pretty early to the “game” and we know that you have a lot more options regarding where you get your bike fit and where you buy your cycling products now.  I want to personally extend a big “thank you” to all those people who have loyally continued to work with us through the years.   Your consistency and support has helped us grow and extend our offerings and reach and remain viable in a marketplace that has changed markedly.    From referrals to other cyclists to purchasing your new cycling products through us, know that we appreciate your support and we know we would not have become what we have without you.   Again, thank you.

I just wanted to share these thoughts as Fit Werx has come a long way and we wouldn’t be here without all of you who have supported us through the years.   Also, our jobs would be a lot less meaningful and rewarding if people had not taken the time to give us feedback to improve from as well as to let us know when we had helped.  We’re proud to be a part of your sport and your cycling experience!

Have a great week and ride often,

Fit Werx

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