Ready to Win a Free 2018 Cervelo P2 from Fit Werx?

Do you want to win a 2018 Cervelo P2 and a full Fit Werx fitting for yourself or someone else deserving? This is not a random giveaway; it is a contest and one that anyone who enters can earn an honest chance to win. Here are the details:

  • Write 750 words or less or produce a video that is three minutes or less that tells why you, or (even better) someone you know, deserve to win this great new bike. Yes, we want to hear about the sacrifices, the goals, the dreams, the causes, the humanity and anything else that is the part of what makes triathlon all that it is…
  • Submit your story via the Contact page on or post to Facebook. You must include a picture of whomever you are entering in the contest – yourself or the person you wrote about – if you submit via our Facebook page.
  • You may submit multiple entries for other people you want to nominate, but only one for yourself.
  • All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, May 1.
  • Entries will be reviewed by an impartial panel (not Fit Werx or any of our employees) and the top three will be selected and we’ll post them to our blog and to Facebook. The winner will be chosen by a combination of the panel’s undisclosed selection order (50%) and your votes on Facebook (50%). So, recruit your friends and get them to Follow Fit Werx on Facebook and vote for your favorite.
  • Voting will be opened on Tuesday, May 8th and closed on Tuesday, May 15th. The winner will be announced the following week.

The only people who aren’t eligible to enter are those employed by Fit Werx (sorry folks!). The only rules are those listed above (don’t violate the lengths or miss the dates). We look forward to reading and viewing some fantastic stories!

Note: Fit Werx is all about taking a Fit First approach to bike selection. If it turns out a P2 doesn’t fit the winner well, we’ll find a different bike…

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