Upgrade Ideas for your Bike this Winter

BIKE IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS (AKA -THINGS TO PUT ON THE HOLIDAY WISH LIST…) By Jim Weaver, Service Manager Fit Werx, Waitsfield, VT                With falling leaves and temperatures, many of us begin to turn our thoughts from cycling towards anticipating winter activities such as skiing.  However, this is a good time to think about your bike…

Parlee Factory Tour

PARLEE FACTORY TOUR By Jim Weaver, Service Manager Fit Werx, VT             My wife had to make another trip to Boston to visit the harp retail and repair store in Salem.  So, I tagged along to take the opportunity to visit the Parlee factory in Beverly, MA.  I had visited the factory about 1 1/2…

Gunnar Bikes

GUNNAR BICYCLES – MY IMPRESSIONS by Jim Weaver, Service Manager Fit Werx, VT             I have now worked at Fit Werx full-time for getting close to 3 1/2 years and I have had the privilege of building many, many bicycles, some of them truly dream machines.  These "dream machines" were custom-built, lust-inducing bikes from the…

Cervelo P5 Overview

CERVELO P5 – INITIAL IMPRESSIONS by Jim Weaver, Service Manager Fit Werx, VT             Earlier this summer, we built one of the very first Cervelo P5’s in New England.   I had intended to immediately post a short article summarizing my impressions, but one thing led to another and I was delayed.  Bruce and I both…

Campagnolo EPS Follow Up

By Jim Weaver, Service Manager Fit Werx, Waitsfield, VT  Last March, I attended a seminar in New York City providing training in the installation and operation of Campagnolo’s new electronic shifting system, dubbed EPS.  I wrote an article about this training, and the system, which can be found at https://fitwerx.com/category/new-bike-technology/page/3.   If you have not had…