The MPB in Team Fit Werx/MPB – A Thank You from Marleigh Phillips Brown

Dear Fit Werx Family:

I’m writing to say thank you for your support of the Fit Werx/MPB Team.  As you know the team participated in the MS Society’s Cape Cod Getaway on June 25th and 26th and we had an amazing time.  As the MPB in Team Fit Werx/MPB I’d like to share my experience with you.

Living with MS is a daily challenge, but riding the bike adds a different dimension.  With that said I am still coming down from the weekend’s endorphin high, and smiling. Feeling great inside and out. Day one started out dreary and (oh no!!) got worse. Catching rooster tails of water and sand in my mouth for the first hour made the idea of ‘drafting’ a forgotten dream, and I was very worried about all the newbie riders as well, but soon the weather cleared for perfect cycling conditions. I had the pleasure of riding with my brothers (Fit Werx 2 Co-Owner Dean, Palmer and Eben) and many friends. Or, I should say, immediately BEHIND my brothers and many friends. Trust me, there isn’t a faster, easier spot on the road than behind Dean and Eben. You all know Dean, but Eben is 6′ 5″ and 230 lbs….it is like drafting off a minivan–a very fast minivan. Steve, Brian, Greg, Geoff, Dave, Mark, Bill, Tim (to name a few)…you ALL know what I’m talkin’ about–haha!!

Fit Werx/MPB was the very first group to arrive in Bourne! We averaged about 20 mph on Day 1, and MS or not, I had never felt so good!! (Can I say that?) Albeit, it was a ride, not a race, but it felt good that this old’ bod’s still got it. A personal best. Our whole team was evenly sprinkled from beginning to end of the 2000+ cyclists in this year’s ride, and every single one gave it everything they had. An awesome effort!!

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was watching our teammates finish and seeing the looks and smiles of accomplishment on their faces–all that hard work paying off!! We had many new riders on our team this year. Not just new to the Cape Cod Getaway, but new to the sport of cycling. They had been training and working so hard, and I am so proud of each of them. And of course, they are proud of themselves, and rightfully so!!

I would do the weekend injustice, and perhaps recruiting for next year, if we didn’t mention the wonderful volunteers, and NMSS staff, our Fit Werx/MPB tent in Bourne–the massages, socializing, and the atmosphere.  The day started cloudy and wet, but ended with blue skies and sunshine for the afternoon’s festivities.  It was a perfect day.

Day 2 was just as fun, but with a more leisurely start and a bit more stopping and chatting at rest stops along the way. I had the opportunity to meet many Fit Werx friends and customers–new and old, from all different “teams”–all along the way, talk with volunteers at each stop, and hear heartwarming stories for whom you were each riding or volunteering. Our cycling community is a great one, a tight one–and I feel so lucky to be part of it. Truly.

Most of our team was able to ride the ferry home to Boston and we reveled in the weekend’s events.  Everyone was enjoying the experience and our accomplishment.  Just amazing!

I am so happy, ecstatic actually, that everyone had fun–I love hearing it. It’s such a win-win scenario, because the money we raised, every single dollar, is being put to work to create a world free of MS. And that is what the weekend is *really* all about. On behalf of every person and family living with this unpredictable disease, thank you. thank you, THANK YOU!

Fit Werx/MPB, we accomplished something so great, so SO incredibly great. We raised $100+-ohmygod-THOUSAND dollars for the NMSS this year ($170K+ including last year). And the ride itself is on track to raise its goal of $2.5 million. Only possible with the commitment and dedication of the riders and all of our generous sponsors. Your choosing to be part of the Bike MS: Cape Cod Getaway, whether part of the Fit Werx/MPB team, another team, or as a donor, means so much to me and to every person living with multiple sclerosis.

We are making a difference. I extend my warmest thanks and appreciation to you and also to your families for their support, and for helping make your participation in this year’s ride (and last year’s too!!) possible. We are getting so close to ending multiple sclerosis, and YOU are a part of this. I am getting goosebumps thinking of it. We can do this!!!!

I invite you to join us next year (June 23-24, 2012), and I hope you will consider inviting a friend to join you!! MS has met its match!

Once gain, Thank you!

Marleigh Phillips Brown (MPB)

P.S. If you are interested in riding with us you can register now with discount code Early25 to save $25 (code is case sensitive). Registration is now open and Fit Werx/MPB has a rockin’ 2012 team page. The link to our team page is below –just click ‘Join Team’ above the roster. And please forward to your friends and share your experience with them and encourage them to sign up with the discount code.

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