Search Results for: parlee

Join us at the Gran Fondo – NS Tour De Cure Kick-Off Event

CANCER IS DRAMATIC. DIABETES IS A GRIND. Join Mari Ruddy, Founder of the Red Rider Program, at American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure Kick Off Danvers, Massachusetts – [January 27, 2012] – The American Diabetes Association will host a Kick Off Event to launch Tour De Cure North Shore 2012 on Tuesday, February 7, 2012…

Mechanical Services

Mechanical Services

Bicycle Mechanical Services Whether we are tuning your bike, building a new set of wheels or building your new bike, we sweat the details.   Fit Werx technicians take a “zero defects” attitude in their work in order to provide you the most consistently adjusted and smoothest running bicycle possible. Fit Werx offers fully stocked bike…


Press Fit Bottom Brackets

A version of this article was originally published in Triathlete Magazine Press Fit Bottom Bracket Technology What are the advantages/drawbacks of the new “press-fit” bottom brackets and cranks? Which “press fit” size is the best and can a current bike be converted? Ted Hi Ted, First a brief history – “Press-fit”, or “Integrated”, bottom brackets…