“A bicycle is the most interactive and biomechanically connected piece of sporting equipment most people will ever buy. This is why we take a “Fit First” approach to the rider and a “Rider Matched” approach to the bike.”
– Fit Werx Founder, Ian Buchanan

Rider First Bike Fitting Services

The steps of a Fit Werx fitting are the same with every rider, but where we focus during each fitting is firmly planted in your needs as an individual.

A rider who wants to find a riding position and bike that makes riding a couple hours a week more fun has different goals and needs from an Ironman competitor looking to turn a sub-five hour bike split. We understand both.

Whether we are looking at the fine line between aerodynamic drag and power production to shave minutes off your bike split, or we are exploring why you have never had a comfortable saddle, a fitting with Fit Werx addresses your goals and concerns directly and personally.

Fit Werx has always been at the forefront of making sure our bike fitters have great tools for the job.

Fit Werx Motion Analysis Ian

gebioMized Pressure Scanners are expensive investments, but they can be a very helpful tool for everything from saddle selection and problem solving to reviewing the effectiveness of cleat adjustment, shimming and other positioning changes to improve alignment and stability. Fit Werx purchased one of the very first gebioMized units available in the United States and was at the forefront of developing assessment techniques and processes with the software. As of this writing, Fit Werx owns more gebioMized pressure scanners than any other single company in the United States.

Fit Werx Motion Analysis Ian

Retul is a bike specific 3D motion capture system that uses LED technology and sensors to allow the fitter to record an incredible number of key angles and averages from a rider as they ride. Retul provides data quicker than Dartfish and also provides averages and minimum/maximum ranges very quickly. The benefit to Retul for many fitters is that it is “Plug and Play”, but the disadvantage for the rider is that the program can be used as a crutch instead of a tool by a fitter who does not understand the biomechanics behind bike fitting.

Fit Werx Motion Analysis Ian

Dartfish is a 2D motion capture system that is not cycling specific. The benefit of the system not being cycling specific is that a fitter can turn Dartfish into just about anything they want or need from an analysis perspective. The drawback is that few fitters take the time to understand or build out Dartfish to its potential. When setup well, Dartfish is an impressive tool. Dartfish is a multi-camera based system (www.dartfish.com) and it is very visual and an excellent tool to help athletes see and understand their posture and technique through dynamic video feedback and assessment tools. We frequently spend a lot of time in a Fit Werx fitting on posture and technique analysis and 2D motion capture is an excellent tool that helps us help you understand how to get the most comfort and performance out of your body out of your riding position and bike.

Fit Werx Motion Analysis Ian

Purely Custom Size Cycle. An adjustable size cycle is the mainstay of almost any quality bike fitting as it allows the fitter to fit the rider without the constraints or inconveniences of an existing bicycle getting in the way of the process. There are a number of quality size cycles on the market now ranging from fully computer automated units like those from Guru to basic relatively inexpensive units like older model Serotta size cycles. We selected the Purely Custom’s Size Cycle as it bridges the benefits of a manual unit with those of a fully automated unit quite well. Our Purely Custom Size Cycles are specially made for Fit Werx and include belt drive and a CompuTrainer spin analysis unit as well as adjustable sizing cranks and BikeCAD are just a few of the fitting tools that populate our toolbox.

A well set-up bike will have limited benefit if you do not understand the posture and technique that will help you get the most from it.

It is our job to go beyond just setting a riding position; we want to help you understand the connection between your bike and your body.

A Fit Werx fitting provides the technique and tools in combination with the bike set-up to solve problems and help you ride more efficiently, faster, and with greater comfort.    

Not near a Fit Werx? Learn more about our “Travel to Fit” program, you could receive up to $500 in credit from your bike purchase!

Contact us to schedule a bike fitting or to discuss purchasing a new bike.

View Frequently Asked Questions about Bike Fitting at Fit Werx