
The Chris Hinds "Sunshine" Criterium Race Report

By Mike Burris, Burris Logistics-Fit Werx Team Director Last weekend Claude Raineault and I made the trek down to Rhode Island to race the Chris Hinds Criterium. Claude loves this race and I love the area, having spent the majority of my childhood summers nearby. After traveling for 6 hours, we arrived in North Stonington,…

2012 Burris Logistics-Fit Werx Race Report #1: Trooper Brinkehoff/Johnny Cake Lane Series

By Michael Burris, Burris Logistics-Fit Werx Team Director: The weather in New England has been ridiculously good lately. An entire week in the 80s is unheard of for this time of year. This has offered an incredible opportunity for the normally “basement bound” to log some serious training time outdoors. As as a result, bike…

Bicycle Trainer Shootout 2008

Bicycle Trainer Shootout 2008

While everything from fans to magnets are used to create resistance in cycling trainers for 2008, fluid or centrifugal force are much better methods. At around $300, these three units offer some of the smoothest and most progressive resistance available; regardless of price, they are the heart of the value equation in trainers for most…

Weight of Bicycle

Weight of Bicycle – Energy and Power Use Breakdown* % of Total Power Consumption: Weight of Bicycle: ≈08% of overall energy/power consumption The bottom line: First, never forget that you the rider are 85-95% of the total vehicle’s weight – the bike and components are only 5-15%. Bicycle weight plays a comparatively small role in…