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[vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][contact-form-7 id=”10205″ title=”Contact Page_copy”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]“A bicycle is the most interactive and biomechanically connected piece of sporting equipment most people will ever buy. This why we take a Fit First approach to the rider and a Rider Matched approach to the bike.”

-Fit Werx Founder, Ian Buchanan

Rider First Bike Fitting Services

Fit Werx did not start presenting Rider First Bike Fitting after it became popular. Fit Werx was a pioneer in creating what became a trend and shifted an industry.

We remain as true to our original mission today as we were in 2001. We remain at the forefront of bike fitting information and technology as well as cycling based postural analysis and biomechanics. We offer riders of all experience and ability levels the ability to ride better through improved positioning and riding technique.


Fit Werx Existing Bike Fit
Fit Werx New Bike Fit
Fit Werx Bike Fitting & Analysis Services