In a hurry to get a new bike and can’t wait for an appointment or are you simply not interested in a full fitting?

Sized For You

The New Bike Sizing service is for new bike buyers only and will help you select a well suited bike style and size for your needs.  The big difference between this service and what many shops offer as a “Free Fitting with Purchase” is that we won’t make it out to be something it is not (it is not the comprehensive motion capture fitting that our New Bike Fit service is) and we’ll make sure that you are working with a certified and professional career based Fit Werx’s fit technician.  This service includes establishing key body angles on the bike and using your position to determine appropriate bike brands, models and size.

View a video describing the New Bike Sizing

Time: 45-90 minutes. No charge with bike purchase. Contact us for additional information and to schedule an appointment.

Contact us to schedule a bike fitting or to discuss purchasing a new bike.